Adviser to solarZero and its shareholders on the sale of 100% solarZero’s equity to BlackRock for consideration in excess of $100m (2022).
Our recent achievements

Adviser to P6 Energy on the sale of its 16MW solar development in Northland (2022)

Adviser to Morrison & Co regarding the acquisition of a confidential PPP asset (2021)

Adviser to NX2 regarding COVID related contract changes to the ~$800m Puhoi to Warkworth Motorway PPP (2021)

Adviser to MiLife on the sale of its retirement village portfolio to BeGroup (2021)

Adviser to Alpine Energy on its sale of the Infratec solar EPC and development company to WEL Energy (2020)

Adviser to Indevin Group on its acquisition of the Winegrowers of Ara’s 1,480ha vineyard and wine inventory from Todd Capital, and associated debt refinancing (2016)

Adviser to King Country Energy’s Independent Directors in relation to Nova Energy’s sale of its 54.1% shareholding and subsequent takeover offers from TrustPower (2015-2018)

Financial adviser to Fletcher Building regarding a debt restructuring on the Auckland Prison PPP project to reduce the quantum of liquidated damages payable by the D&C contractor for late delivery of the project (2018).